An email about gratitude

I am writing this email from the fold-down bed of a hospital room where my wife and I have just welcomed our second child into this world.

The innocence of a newborn baby is certainly a sight to behold, as no worrisome problems exist in their tiny minds just yet other than to satisfy their hunger whenever it arises.

Life’s problems for a newborn seem microscopic compared to the challenges, emotions, fears and responsibilities of an adult.

Life events such as these certainly help put (or keep) things in perspective.

Sure, life’s challenges are certainly real.

But it doesn’t hurt to stop every once in awhile and ponder if we may be investing too large of a portion of our time and mental energy on things that don’t quite matter as much.

Have you every found yourself getting too deep down the rabbit hole of work and forgetting to pause and look at the life you’ve already built around you?

Have you ever caught yourself checking email on your phone at the dinner table when a conversation with your partner or children would have been much more valuable in that moment?

If you’re on a job search right now and experiencing stress around your career transition, have you ever thought about closing the laptop for a few days and just spending time with the people who matter most?

You might be surprised at how refreshed you feel when you finally decide to open that laptop again.

I’m not here to lecture anyone about life values or about how to live your life.

I simply wish to share my thoughts, as I watch my newborn son’s chest rise and fall with each tiny breath, about gratitude.

I began my journey in career coaching over 5 years ago, and have had the opportunity to work with and impact about 1,500 very different people over that timeframe.

I have received some truly amazing thank-you messages from people I have worked with, who credit me with changing their lives with a new career.

I am grateful for this opportunity.

I launched Career Elevator almost exactly a year ago. This is the 52nd consecutive week of sending a weekly email.

Over 3,000 people read my email every week.

I am grateful for you all.

Last week, I also surpassed 10,000 followers on LinkedIn. When I decided to commit to producing helpful content on my profile a year ago, I had barely 5,000 followers.

I am grateful for those who have given me that chance to impact them and share my knowledge to help them secure amazing job offers.

I am grateful for the opportunity to run my business from home with a flexible schedule in close proximity to my wife and (now) two young boys.

As you start a new week in your own life today, I encourage you to reflect on what you are grateful for.

A fulfilling career isn’t just for you. It’s for those who have meant the most to your past and mean the most to your present and future.

Don’t forget your WHY.

Thank you for being a part of this newsletter. Thank you for reading.

Cheers to you, and I hope you have an incredible week.