Negotiating a better job offer

Most people hate salary negotiation.

If you just read that and nodded your head in agreement, let's change that.

The first thing you need to know is this:

Negotiating an offer is a very normal part of the job search process, and most companies expect to engage in some negotiation.

If you're terrified to negotiate an offer because you think the company will be shocked, then you'll never gain the confidence to earn what you want.

The first step is always a mindset shift.

Next, we need to have a plan.

If you're going to ask for a different compensation, it's best to have a reason.

Some tools you can use to research and compare the compensation you're being offered to the market:

Combine your research with your own expectations based on your experience, lifestyle and compensation desires, and now you have a figure to shoot for.

Next, it's time to have the negotiation conversation.

ALWAYS start the conversation with gratitude. Show that you are genuinely excited about the opportunity and thankful for the initial offer, even if it doesn't meet your desired salary.

We don't want to put a bad taste in the hiring manager's mouth and have the offer rescinded.

Once gratitude has been established, it's time to put your request into action.

Use language that shows you are in demand.

When negotiating a job offer, use language like, "The roles I am currently interviewing for are offering ____."

This shows confidence in your worth.

It converts salary negotiation from a "wish" into a realistic, competitive figure.

Secondly, be flexible with your requests.

Consider TOTAL compensation & offer value, not just base salary.

Some companies may have less wiggle room on their budget for base salary, but may be able to go higher on stock options, bonus %, PTO, etc.

One of my clients negotiated his first performance review to come at 6 months instead of 12, giving him a quicker path to a raise.

Get creative with your proposal and show you're trying to achieve a win-win for both sides.

Negotiation is a two-way street. Don't be offended if they don't accept all of your requests.

Be respectful, professional and flexible, and you will give yourself the best opportunity to land top dollar on TOTAL compensation.

If you find yourself lost in the process of negotiating an offer or even getting to the offer stage, I’m glad you’ve joined this newsletter.

Not only will I continue to provide advice to you each week, but you also have the opportunity to talk to me anytime.

I’ve helped 1500+ job seekers land offers since 2018 using a comprehensive system that improves your conversions at each stage of the job search process.

If you want to know more about how to finally land an offer and end your job search like so many others have, I can help.

Click here for a free 30-minute consultation about your career situation to see if you’re a good fit for the Career Elevator program.