Powerhouse Networking

Finally land more interviews

If you’re not networking, you’re simply putting yourself at a major disadvantage for landing the interviews you want.

If you think enough cold applications will eventually get you noticed, you’re wasting your time.

It’s like going to a sporting event and hoping to show up on the big screen out of 50,000+ other people.

Not great odds.

If you feel intimidated about networking or you’re not seeing results, your approach might be off.

Instead of opening a networking conversation with a request or making the conversation about you, make the ice-breaker about the other person.

Many people don't network until they NEED to (i.e. during a job search).

And when they need to, they start the conversation off with a request.

“I applied for this position, can you pass my resume along or help me get an interview?”

This can make things feel awkward and forced.

Instead, work to build your network before you need it.

And if you do need the network right now because you’re currently on the job search, you can still use this strategy to get better results.

Search for people within the organizations you like or would like to work for.

Research their profile to find relevant or interesting bits of information. This could be anything that you both have in common or something that genuinely catches your eye about their experience.

When starting the conversation, use this research to start with a compliment or a simple question.

For example:

  • If they share an alma mater with you, use this as the ice breaker in your message (“Go Gators!”)

  • If they hold the job title you want, start with a question (“What is the most rewarding part about being a ___________?”)

  • If you see a post of theirs that resonates with you, use that! (“I loved your post on ________ because _________.”)

People love to talk about themselves.

So... kick the topic off with something about them!

From there, it will feel like a much more natural conversation that can grow into a professional relationship or even a friendship.

Naturally, when you ask people about themselves, they will also ask about you.

This gives an easier opening for you to demonstrate your value and expertise that could help secure you an interview through that connection.

Disclaimer: this takes time & effort. There is no shortcut.

But if you feel intimidated by networking, push yourself outside your comfort zone to start this approach today.

Your future self with thank you.

If you want to know more about exactly how to employ this strategy and stop getting ghosted on outreach messages, I have a program that tackles every step of the networking process.

It’s my Powerhouse Networking program, and it will show you exactly how to land more interviews.

Here’s what’s included to help you stop receiving rejections and finally secure the interviews you deserve:

  • Strategy for who to connect with & where to find them

  • Understanding the power of a value proposition and how to craft yours

  • 10 examples of value propositions you can develop for yourself

  • Referral Tracker

  • 50 email addresses of relevant contacts for your search

  • 30-minute strategy call with me!

This program will improve your interview conversion rate, guaranteed.

Check it out by clicking the button below!

If you have questions about this program or other ways to work with me one-on-one, schedule a call with me by clicking here.